Directions from Rehoboth Beach to Ocean City

Following DE 1 route, it is approximately 25 miles from Rehoboth Beach to Ocean City, Maryland by car. If you drive non-stop with no traffic it will take you about 45 minutes. That is if you are driving all the way to the boardwalk, Rte 50 or the inlet. It is approximately 18 miles to the Maryland stateline.


Mileage chart and approximate driving time to Rehoboth Beach, DE
Hours are calculated based on posted speed limits.

From To Miles Hours
Ocean City, MD Rehoboth Beach, DE 25 Miles 45 Minutes
Baltimore, MD Rehoboth Beach, DE 115 Miles 3 Hours
Boston, MA Rehoboth Beach, DE 425 Miles 7.5 Hours
Cincinnati, OH Rehoboth Beach, DE 635 Miles 10-11 Hours
Cleveland, OH Rehoboth Beach, DE 490 Miles 8 Hours
Columbus, OH Rehoboth Beach, DE 530 Miles 9 Hours
Harrisburg, PA Rehoboth Beach, DE 170 Miles 4 Hours
New York, NY Rehoboth Beach, DE 215 Miles 4 Hours
Philadelphia, PA Rehoboth Beach, DE 125 Miles 3 Hours
Pittsburgh, PA Rehoboth Beach, DE 360 Miles 6.5 Hours
Reading, PA Rehoboth Beach, DE 145 Miles 3.5 Hours
Richmond, VA Rehoboth Beach, DE 235 Miles 4.5 Hours
Washington DC Rehoboth Beach, DE 125 Miles 3 Hours
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